Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor to every family we serve!

Once again, Cradle and All takes the next step in providing the Safest Baby Nurse services to the DC area.

SIDS can happen to any infant.  Even when every precaution is taken, and your infant is not considered “high risk,” it is always a scary possibility.  Despite working with so many newborns and infants, it still gets me up, to reach over and put my hand over their little bellies to insure your angel is still breathing even though I can’t hear him. 

Cradle and All, LLC has officially implemented a new, “Continuous Baby Monitoring” item to our Overnight Baby Nurse Policies!  Mommies and Daddies, you will be very happy to know that, along with everything else, your Baby Nurse will now come to your home with the SNUZA Hero baby movement monitor!  Furthermore, the Baby Monitor, only belongs to your family; you will keep it! 

Primary Care is about prevention!  Good thing, your baby is in the hands of a nurse :)

Below is a description of how the Snuza Hero monitors your baby’s breathing:

Snuza Hero is a mobile and easy-to-use movement monitor which clips onto baby’s diaper to ensure that normal movement is maintained. Hero detects even the slightest movement and will alert you if your baby’s movements are very weak or fall to less than 8 movements per minute. If no movement at all is detected for a period of 15 seconds, Hero will vibrate gently. Often this vibration is enough to rouse the baby, and Hero will revert to monitoring mode. After three vibration/rouse incidents, the Rouse Warning will alert you to the fact that your baby’s movements have stopped for 15 seconds on three occasions. If no further movement is detected for another 5 seconds, an alarm will sound to alert you.

Talk about bringing the Hospital Nursery home with you!
~Cradle and All, LLC *Cribside Care for Baby, Peace of Mind for Mommy*


  1. Great article, however this baby movement monitor does not monitor a babys breathing the way that the Baby Sense 2 and Baby Sense 5 do at http://babysensellc.com/

    1. Thanks for this comment. We have been using the SNUZA and having a good experience with it. Would love for you to send us the detailed information on the Baby Sense 2 & 5, and one to try.
      Thanks again,
      Cradle and All,
      Your Baby Nurse
