Sunday, March 11, 2012

Year of the Baby Nurse

“Everyone has a baby nurse.”  -or so it seems.  In just the past couple of years, there has been a growing demand for overnight newborn care.  How is it that during economic decline, some businesses continue to grow?  Because despite any economic situation, some necessities remain necessary – water, food, toilet paper, and SLEEP! 
Based on the demand, sleep is priority number one for new parents.  And so it should be.  Investing in your own sleep, protects your sanity and judgment; and positively affects the care you provide all day long to your newborn.  (Sleep deprived mothers, are more likely to develop post partum depression*) But don’t be mistaken, this is not just about getting mom a few hours of sleep, this is about bringing the security of that hospital nursery home with you and into your baby’s nursery.  Family’s are bringing in Newborn Care Specialists, LPNs, RNs, the clinically trained and experienced baby nurses to keep their baby safe overnight.  Aside from providing the best, evidence-based care, Baby Nurses have become Mommy’s biggest support system, providing answers to her concerns and empowering her decisions as a new parent.  Today’s parents are educated, working, and prepared –yet after all the “what to expect” books you still want someone to turn to and ask “is that normal?” 
Traditionally, women stayed home.  Today they are going back to work after 8 – 12 weeks.  Traditionally, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, were available to provide help around the clock, and assurance with every decision.  Today’s families are geographically spread about the map, and even those close to home, work and so are unable to provide the kind of help new parents need. 
A Baby Nurse can be the answer to your prayer for a night of sleep; she will be the person who takes away the stress of the transition, so you can enjoy the blessing.
~Cradle and All, LLC “Cribside Care for Baby, Peace of Mind for Mommy”

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